Invitation to BID - Chatham Homes, Housing Project
The Liberty County Community Housing Development Organization, (Hereafter also referred to as “LCCHDO” seeks Bids to provide all materials, labor, tools, equipment, permits licenses, etc. for the construction of Chatham Homes, Single-Family Housing Project located at:
• Lot 1 S. Coastal Highway, Riceboro, GA 31323
• Lot2 S. Coastal Highway, Riceboro, GA 31323
Sealed Bids will be received on behalf of the Liberty County Community Housing Development Organization (LCCHDO) by the City of Riceboro, City Clerk, 4614 S. Coastal Highway, Riceboro, GA. 31323 until (10:00 a.m.), October 18, 2019), for a General Contractor, to provide all materials, labor, tools, equipment, permits, licenses, etc. for the construction of Chatham Homes, Single-Family Housing Project located at S. Coastal Highway, Lot 1 & Lot 2.
• Lot 1 S. Coastal Highway, Riceboro, GA 31323
• Lot2 S. Coastal Highway, Riceboro, GA 31323
Sealed Bids will be received on behalf of the Liberty County Community Housing Development Organization (LCCHDO) by the City of Riceboro, City Clerk, 4614 S. Coastal Highway, Riceboro, GA. 31323 until (10:00 a.m.), October 18, 2019), for a General Contractor, to provide all materials, labor, tools, equipment, permits, licenses, etc. for the construction of Chatham Homes, Single-Family Housing Project located at S. Coastal Highway, Lot 1 & Lot 2.

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